Coming this Fall.

Bringing the fun and interactivity of live workouts right into your home, with our brand-new premium-level service called BODi.


With next-level coaching cues, and a focus on fundamental, powerful moves, Super Trainer Amoila Cesar can help get your body ready to take on everything.

Let’s Get Up

Combines easy-to-follow dance moves with a quick hit of INSANITY-style intervals and even dumbbell resistance training to give you a feel-good workout that delivers full-body results..

9 Week Control Freak

Tabata Cardio (and core) is a workout you’ll do once a week in the program where you’ll do intervals to push your limits and annihilate calories.

30 Day Breakaway

30 Day Breakaway is your chance to break away from the same old routine and do what your body was born to do — run.

#mbf: Muscle Burns Fat

Stay on beat in this full-body strength and cardio workout that proves you can build muscle and torch fat in just 30 minutes a day.

#mbf: Muscle Burns Fat Adv

Stay on beat to burn fat and build lean muscle in this full-body workout that incorporates strength training and cardio.

Barre Blend

Defy your limits and define your body. This low-impact, high-intensity, full-body workout will show you what you can accomplish in less than 30 minutes.

New: Pre & Post Natal Add-on Program

10 Rounds

Step into the ring with Super Trainer Joel Freeman as he gives you a taste of his latest program with boxing, strength training, agility work, and core conditioning.

Morning Meldown 100

You’ll hit almost every muscle in your body as you grind through exercises that test your strength, endurance, and grit.

4 Weeks of THE PREP

Challenge yourself with this functional training workout designed to get your body and mind ready for THE WORK or any program.

6 Weeks of THE WORK

If you want the results, you gotta do THE WORK. This intense 35-minute workout showcases a variety of functional training moves.

21 Day Fix: Real Time

This sample 25-minute workout features moves you’ll do throughout the 21-day program.

21 Day Fix Extreme

Are you ready to get serious? This sample 25-minute workout features moves you’ll do throughout the 21-day program to get results.


You’ll lift first, then HIIT second in this full-length sample workout of LIIFT4 that features many of the moves you’ll do throughout the 8-week program.

Transform :20

Step up to a whole new level of fitness in just 20 minutes a day with Transform :20. This sample workout will leave you wanting more!

Shift Shop

A total-body workout that combines both cardio and strength movements to showcase the tempo and style of the SHIFT SHOP.

Let’s Get Up

Dance, sweat, and live your best life with this easy-to-follow dance workout.


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